
3 Reasons Why You Must Market Your Business In 2020 | Roy Phay

3 Reasons Why You Must Market Your Business In 2020 | Roy Phay - Today I’m going to share with you 3 reasons why you must market your business moving forward.

I started my digital marketing business in 2005, and met countless small and medium enterprise bosses, I know they have some limited beliefs about marketing.

However, marketing have become an essential part of business today as compared to 20 years ago. Having a web presence, need to be found on Google search, or even a Facebook page.

I'll be sharing my personal 3 reasons why today, in regardless which industry you are in, you need marketing!


“Marketing Is A Waste of Money…”

“Marketing Is An Expense…”

“My business is sell bots and nuts to marine industry, nobody will order from me through website.”

Are you having all these belief about marketing your business?

Now, think again…

Marketing have become one of the main success component in business. I had seen a trend of small business owners embarking and seeing the need to use digital marketing to grow their business.

Below, I will share 3 reasons why it’s important to market your business, in regards which industry you are in.

1st Tip - Market For Every Season

Marketing is an on-going process… it’s not trial and error. I had seen so many small business owners, spend a few thousand dollars, and do run a 3 months Facebook campaign, when it doesn’t work, they stopped.

Later, they heard from another source, Instagram is the new place to get leads, they spend more money, and try for a few months. It failed!

They formed the conclusion, marketing is a waste of money.

Instead, a marketing budget is needed from the business revenue to work out a long term marketing action plan.

So, when the economy is slowing down, that’s the best time to invest in more marketing to dominate your market share, which your competitors are cutting cost.

When economy is doing well, and your competitors are investing in marketing dollars, do you still want to be passive?

In short, a strategic marketing plan is essential in your business so that you can grow year after year.

2nd Tip - Marketing For Every Industry

In regards which industry you are in today, marketing is essential in your business growth.

Let’s say you are an engineering company selling bots and nuts to marine industry, you need marketing.Or, you are a portfolio manager dealing with high net worth individuals, an a minimum clients’ investment would be US$2,000,000… you need marketing.

Why so?

Digital marketing is NOT the latest trend on internet, is it SEO; is it Facebook Marketing; Instagram or even Influencer.

These are just tactics.

Marketing is about communicating the benefits of your products and services to your customers.
In short, why they have to buy from you versus your competitors?

For the engineering company, you might want to look at your product catalog or brochures to improve your copywriting. Or even a brand alignment so customers can recognise it.

For the portfolio manager is to brand his company as the go-to expert in managing clients’ money and growing it year after year.

3rd Tip - Market With Your Vision

As business owners, it’s important to have a 3 - 5 years visions and goals for your business. How you want to grow your business? Where is it heading?

With that, you want to integrate your marketing strategy as part of the growth plan.

When I work with my marketing consults with my clients, I will sit down with them and their team to work out a 1 year goal for their business.

Just like a CFO of a company plans the cashflow of the business, I plan the marketing and the revenue generation of the business.

#MarketingStrategy #DigitalMarketingAgency #OnlineMarketing

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