
9|11 september terror attacks us news

9|11 september terror attacks us news Four groups of terrorists totaling 19 people seized four scheduled passenger airliners. The invaders sent two planes to the towers of the World Trade Center, located in southern Manhattan in New York. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC-1 North Tower, and United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower
WTC-2. Both towers were collapsed and caused serious damage to adjacent buildings. The third plane was sent to the Pentagon. A fourth crashed into a field near Borough Shanksville in Pennsylvania when passengers and the liner team attempted to take control of the militants. In addition to 19 terrorists, more than 3,000 people died as a result of the attacks, about 6,000 were injured, another 24 were missing. Most of the dead were civilians. Also, the disaster claimed the lives of firefighters and police officers, thanks to whose efforts it was possible to save about 30 thousand people. 9/11 9/11,september 11 attacks,new york city,world trade center,usa,9.11,september 11,new york,CNN,News,CNN TV,september 11,september 11th terror attacks,september 11th,911,911 attacks,new york terror attacks,11 septembre,attentats,world trade center,new york,états-unis,9/11 documentary,11 septembre 2001,manhattan,cbs news,new york attacks,terrorist attacks,united states,terrorist attack,terrorisme,us news,tv,politics,al qaida,oussama ben laden,america

9/11,september 11 attacks,new york city,world trade center,usa,9.11,september 11,new york,CNN,News,CNN TV,september 11th terror attacks,september 11th,911,911 attacks,new york terror attacks,11 septembre,attentats,états-unis,9/11 documentary,11 septembre 2001,manhattan,cbs news,new york attacks,terrorist attacks,united states,terrorist attack,terrorisme,us news,tv,politics,al qaida,oussama ben laden,america,world news,september 11 2001,911 footage,

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