
Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State!, Four Years for Fighting Back...

Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State!, Four Years for Fighting Back... Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State!, Four Years for Fighting Back Against Antifa, 3/4ths the Way to Civil War.

Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State! FOUR YEARS FOR FIGHTING BACK. Gavin McInnis. Polls show increasing chance of insurgency in the US

Ann Coulter on Socialism with Lars Larson Oct 23rd

Fun Size Politics

Ann Coulter and Lars Larson talk about the ills of socialism versus the amazing joys of capitalism and freedom! Selected Books by Ann Coulter: Adios America, The Left's Plan To Turn Our Country Into a 3rd World Hell-Hole In Trump We Trust Resistance Is Futile: How The Trump-Hating Left Lost It's Collective Mind Audio and image not owned by channel.

Ann Coulter: We, Too, Can Be a Failed Latin American State!

Martin Brodel

Ann Coulter on the Mark Simone Radio Show 10/23/19


Gavin McInnes

Antifa had been attacking us all night. They were arrested for beating and robbing a reporter. Antifa ambushed Proud Boys on their way home and threw a glass bottle of urine at them (they had been throwing them all night). Max and Geoff happily took them up on their offer and ran up to them. Max pulled off their masks while Geoff punched them. At first, antifa were winning. They kicked Proud Boys on the ground. Then John showed up and bowled them over. Proud Boys won the fight and stopped immediately. The police asked antifa if they wanted to press charges. Antifa told them to fuck off. This should have been the end of it but Cuomo and de Blasio saw this as a great opportunity to paint Trump supporters as Nazis who roam the streets looking for innocent victims to punish. This narrative won in court and now two men are going to prison for four fucking years (Geoff took a plea and is doing weekends at Rikers). It's all a big game to politicians and their bitches in media. For the rest of us. It's very real.

Polls show increasing chance of insurgency in the US


Recent polling indicates that the majority of Americans are worried about political violence and terrorism and think we are 3/4 of the way to Civil War. How to support me: Agitator Coffee and books: SubscribeStar: Contact/Social Media Email: Gab: Minds: Snail mail: Laurel PO Box 193 Hillsborough, NH 03244 Citations: Rasmussen Report on Civil war Battleground Poll: Marist Poll: Wikipedia article with estimates on the size of the IRA: Insurgency paper from the War College:



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