
How Do You Get A Rolling Stone to Open Up? [Avoidant Attachment]

How Do You Get A Rolling Stone to Open Up? [Avoidant Attachment] WHAT ATTACHMENT STYLE ARE YOU?
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Today's video is in response to the question...

How Do You Get A Rolling Stone to Open Up?

There is no doubt, when an avoidant Rolling Stone partner leaves you to guess what they are feeling, thinking, or can drive you a little crazy.

You might wonder: “How hard can it be so hard to just say what you are thinking and feeling?”

But if, historically, it has not been safe to express those things, it is likely a Rolling Stone partner is not going to be very forthcoming.

Not just because they may feel more incontrol by keeping their feelings close, but also because sometimes they may not have it all figured out, like you do. And they are protecting you and the relationship, from their own ambivalence.

And the more exasperated you feel, the more pressure they experience, which only drives them away.

In this video, I first suggest recognizing whatever your agenda may be in trying to get a Rolling Stone to open up, and then offer a sample reframe for how you might approach the situation.

(Incidentally, the Rolling Stones in my Facebook community confirmed this suggested approach would work for them.)



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Attachment,attachment styles,attachment theory,anxious attachment,anxious-ambivalent attachment,avoidant attachment,insecure attachment,secure attachment,disorganized attachment,therapy,psychotherapy,psychology,art therapy,creative arts therapy,mindfulness,energy healing,meditation,relationships,dating,love,romance,dating advice,enmeshment,sex addiction,avoidance,boundaries,trauma,infidelity,

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