
Listen To Your Body You might Actually Learn Something! -MoveU

Listen To Your Body You might Actually Learn Something! -MoveU Start Fixin Yo’ Self -

#MoveU #FixYoShit #ComeBackStronger

Are you present when you are working out? Or do you listen to podcasts, music, audiobooks, watch TV or do something else that distracts you? Does it matter? Probably! Try working out with no distractions. Not only does it allow you to connect to your body better, but it also helps you calm your mind. ⁣

What do you pay attention to? Note whether one side is stronger than the other. Does one side want to take over and do more of the work? Where do you try to compensate? Are you following the cues provided to you? Are you watching your form in the mirror? (Yep, that’s what they are there for. Not just for booty pics!)⁣
I actually saw someone texting on the stairclimber, with earbuds in and watching sports on TV. It was not pretty. Turn it off and focus! I understand juggling things in life. Everyone is busy and trying to get as much out of their time as possible. If it brings you joy to listen to a podcast while you run or work out, great. If you are struggling with ongoing pain or pain that gets worse from your workouts then re-evaluate your priorities. Listen to that podcast while you cook or drive or clean. Be present during your workout so you can reconnect with your body. ⁣

Written by Katie Goss @MoveUKatie⁣⁣

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Moveu,move u,andrew dettelbach,mike wasilisin,fixyoshit,comebackstronger,body awareness,listen to your body,

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