
What is The Mix Lodge?

What is The Mix Lodge? This is episode 1 from my upcoming Podcast - "The Mix Lodge" about to release soon! This will be a one day per week Podcast where I (Dax) will talk about recording and mixing music, mixing tutorials, music business and marketing, and pretty much anything audio. As the Podcast progresses I intend to expand it by interviewing audio engineers and musicians/artists.

Do you have a passion for recording and mixing audio? Whether you're a beginner mixing enthusiast, or an advanced mixing engineer, this podcast will offer you tricks and strategies that can sharpen your mixing skills to help you make better mixes.

In today's mixing world, so many tutorials either promise you that mixing is so easy, while others make it too difficult for a beginner to even grasp. Dax was in, and to some degree, still is in your shoes and wanted to provide content that will cater to both the beginner and the more advanced music engineers. The Mix Lodge Podcast is all about helping you learn the art of mixing audio, with all the simplicity and complexity mixing has to offer.

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