
Why Color Matters in Ecommerce: Theory, Psychology, and Practical Use

Why Color Matters in Ecommerce: Theory, Psychology, and Practical Use Get started with Printful today:

90 seconds. That’s all it takes for a person to evaluate your product online. Up to 90% of that time is spent assessing color alone.

Get ready to see colors in a new light in today’s video about:
Why color matters in ecommerce: theory, psychology, and practical use.
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90 seconds. That’s all it takes for a person to evaluate your product online.

Up to 90% of that time is spent assessing color alone. 

Get ready to see colors in a new light in today’s video about why color matters in ecommerce.

In the next couple of minutes, we’ll cover color theory, color psychology, and practical ways to use color in your ecommerce business.

Ecommerce is a rapidly growing industry. We see more and more online stores opening up, offering great products. The competition seems hard to beat. But if you look at the situation from another perspective, competition creates innovation, which generates new ideas to win customers' attention within those 90 seconds. One of the ways to do that is to experiment with the right color combinations. Color in ecommerce is used to communicate what the product is about, draw attention, set a mood, and influence emotions and perceptions. Color also has a significant impact on the way a brand is viewed by the public. 

With that in mind, you need to pay attention to your choice of colors not only in your designs, but also in your store and marketing materials as well. That's where color theory becomes useful. Essentially, it’s the science and art of colors that looks at how we perceive, mix, and apply them. The theory has undergone some major changes. It originated back in Ancient Greece, where it was proposed by a Greek philosopher Aristotle. He believed that all colors originate from white and black, and assigned them to the four elements of nature.

Later in the seventeenth century, the theory was perfected by Sir Isaac Newton. By conducting a series of experiments with light passing through a prism, he was able to identify seven colors, which he compared to the seven notes of the musical scale. This led to the creation of the color wheel, which allowed people to see and understand relationships between colors.

The traditional color wheel has 12 colors. There are three primary colors—red, yellow, and blue, and these can be used to create secondary colors—orange, green, and violet. By mixing primary and secondary colors we get tertiary colors. By doing some more mixing we end up with different tints, shades, and tones.

The number of possible variations exceeds millions and that's where color harmony techniques come in to maintain order. They juxtapose colors in a way that's attractive to the eye.

There are many ways to combine colors, but some techniques are used more often than others. Make sure to check out the rest of the video to find out! ;)
#printful #printondemand

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