
Abducting and threatening families of activists is a systematic policy

Abducting and threatening families of activists is a systematic policy security forces have been implementing this policy for decades.
If they cannot find the wanted person, security forces abduct
Any relative as a hostage until dissidents surrender.
This tactic is used frequently with dissidents in Egypt recently
As officers abducted daughter of Istiqlal Party leader
Although he turned himself in, authorities did not release her
This is not limited to dissidents inside Egypt
The regime even resorts to abducting of dissidents abroad.
Examples include abduction of dissident tamer Jamal relatives
Security forces also force families of dissidents to criticize them
Abdullah al-Sharif father appeared to criticize his son and praise the regime under duress
This shows that there is no red line for the regime
will security forces stop harassing dissidents families?

revolutionmap,person,Egypt,Istiqlal Party,regime,tamer Jamal,Abdullah al-Sharif,

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