00:14 - Say the anagram of these words! It's an easy puzzle that will warm up your brain and turn your logic on ;)
02:15 - How did they manage to escape? A bran-boosting riddle that will test your critical thinking and survival skills!
04:31 - Can you see what's wrong here? Test your vision and attentiveness with these awesome visual puzzles!
06:23 - You can guess the problem, right? A blood-freezing brain teaser that will test your attentiveness and logical thinking!
07:22 - How did he scare away the cat? A short brainy puzzle to speed up your thinking ;)
08:54 - What do you think scared them? This mystery brain teaser will rack your brain and make you think really hard!
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS what kind of riddles do you like most of all!
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