
Dr. Michael Roizen, talks about Omega 7, naturally present in Sea Buckthorn

Dr. Michael Roizen, talks about Omega 7, naturally present in Sea Buckthorn

How Can Sea Buckthorn Support Your Skin and overall Health?

1. Sea buckthorn seed oil supports inflammation response to help battle extreme skin conditions like PSORIASIS and ECZEMA. This oil also works to battle these skin conditions by promoting tissue rejuvenation in the skin and helps promote brighter skin.

2. Sea Buckthorn Berry oil Maintains a Healthy Complexion
We have two different oils from the sea buckthorn plant. These two oils are sea buckthorn oil and sea buckthorn berry oil sometimes called sea buckthorn fruit oil. Sea buckthorn berry oil is extracted from the sea buckthorn berry. Sea buckthorn berry oil is a deep orange color. It has a plethora of nutrients for your skin. Some ingredients include omega-7 and omega 6, beta carotene, antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.
It works to support your skin by nourishing your cell membranes. Using this sparingly may help you achieve a vibrant glow. Because of its orange color, many people mix this oil with their everyday moisturizers.

3. Filled with so many nutrients and antioxidants, sea buckthorn seed oil and berry oil both support anti-aging properties and may help with blemishes and dark spots.
According to a study published by the National Center Biology Institute, US, sea buckthorn seed oils has a balanced composition of fatty acids that care for “dry, flaky and rapidly aging skin.” The study also states that the fatty acids, omega 7 and 6 regenerate skin.
Moreover, the study states that sea buckthorn seed oil removes excess toxins from the body and it also easily penetrates through to the epidermis.

4. If rosacea is your issue, sea buckthorn oil has been known to help people with rosacea maintain healthy skin.

5. According to the same study in NCBI, sea buckthorn berry oil may help repair skin that has been damaged with wounds or burns and protect against skin infections.

Learn More About Sea Buckthorn oil Can Help Your Skin:


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