

GAIA DAILY -  Nov. 25-27 - PIECES COMING TOGETHER I hope you can join me for a Live Activation for the Sagittarius New Moon. Monday, November 24th, 4pm MST. $10. Sign up here:

We are experiencing an epic lining up of planetary energies. Now that Mercury is direct, it is coming into it’s third and final trine with Neptune, indicating that this deep retrograde cycle is coming to completion. It’s all coming to the surface. Mercury exits it’s retrograde shadow on December 8th, giving us close to two weeks for making sense of what this deep dive in Scorpio, in trine to Neptune, has been all about.

Jupiter and Venus are together today, very close to the Galactic Center. Venus in conjunction with Mercury started this whole retrograde cycle. Now Venus is sitting at the most powerful point of the zodiac with expansive Jupiter at home in the end degrees of Sagittarius. The Goddess is receiving her Destiny, and perhaps back her Soul. Deep healing is available for the afflictions of the feminine within, as Venus moves into Capricorn tomorrow and squares up with Chiron.

Mars in Scorpio, opposite Uranus in Taurus, says it is time for soul freedom. Mars is the ruler of Aries, and Uranus of Aquarius, the most freedom loving signs. If you are ready, it is a great time to break your chains and identity with the shadow. Perhaps its time for the sensitive part of all of us to break free and land home. It’s time to heal the trauma of the soul, and become whole again.

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