
Preparation For The Days Of Great Glory - Daily Prophetic Word

Preparation For The Days Of Great Glory - Daily Prophetic Word The days soon coming will be the next level in your process. These days will be wild and will be like none you have experienced before. They will be like a frenzy, moving rapidly in all directions. It will look completely chaotic from the outside for surely no man has seen this great and terrible day, nor the storms serving as harbingers. So now, make yourself ready and continue follow for in the days soon coming you will need much strength, and more than anything, you will need to know me, hear me, and follow me. (1)

The storms coming in the distance will be soon upon you, and if you have not taken time to prepare in advance you could be swept away. So take heed and make yourself ready. Be wise for a fool sees calamity coming in the distance and does nothing, and he suffers for it. However, a wise man adjusts his course and prepares himself, and he is preserved. So I encourage you today, to be the wise man. I encourage you today to choose the path of wisdom. Make every effort to continue to make yourself ready for the storms will come upon you quickly, and all things you have known and have come to put your trust in will surely be shaken. (2)

The very institutions in which you are placing your trust will be shaken and you will not know what to do, but if you are close to me you will weather the storms. If you know my voice and have taken the time to learn of me, you receive my instruction and recognize my guidance. I will make a way of provision for you. I will make a way of protection for you, and you will come through it all untouched and protected. You will weather these storms and be safe and secure. (3)

So know, my Dear Little Ones, these shakings are surely coming. These shakings are very necessary for the larger process already set in motion, so make yourself ready. Prepare your hearts now for in the days ahead you will see my glory coming, along with all it entails. Make no mistake about it, my glory will terrify and confuse those who know me not. It will not look pretty. It will not look glamorous. It will be messy and frightening. It will be destructive to those who know me not, to those who have built their house on the sand. As they see their worthless idols fall to the ground, it will strike fear into their hearts, and they will be without remedy. So make time to sit with me, to learn of me, and to know me for in many ways, your life will depend on it. (4)

But also know, my plans will manifest on this Earth very quickly. Even though you still have time to prepare, know it will be upon you very soon. These days will be times of high adventure. In these days you will see your heart's desire manifest and materialize before your eyes. In these days you will also see my heart's desire manifest upon this Earth for these are my plans for my people, for those who know me, who love me, who follow me. (5)

My bride will not only a fulfill the role of beauty, but will also fulfill the role of harvester – like a fierce warrior. My bride will be active in participating with the great harvest and great shaking coming soon enough. While the understanding of my bride you possess in your mind is good, it is incomplete. So understand this, for more is coming, and more is yet to be revealed. (6)

Know these days of high adventure will transform you, my Beloved. These days of my glory manifesting throughout the Earth will change your hearts so completely, so rapidly.

(1) Isaiah 41:10, Ezekiel 38:7, Jeremiah 1:17
(2) Proverbs 22:3, Matthew 25:1-13, Hebrews 12:27
(3) Romans 15:4, Nahum 1:7, John 10:27
(4) 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 17:22, Matthew 7:24-27
(5) Galatians 2:20, Psalm 37:4, Habakkuk 2:14
(6) Revelation 19:7, Matthew 9:37, 1 Corinthians 2:9

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