
Sources of knowledge

Sources of knowledge Content:
While it appears that nowadays we have many various sources of knowledge, it all boils down to three sources or levels of knowledge: Senses. This is the first level and includes all knowledge that we acquire through our senses; everything we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell etc. It includes knowledge that we gain through observation and experimentation. This is a materialistic source of knowledge and is available to all creation in
varying levels; plants have own senses and so do animals. Unfortunately many humans stopped at this level of knowledge and didn’t even try to go beyond to the next level. Reasoning and logic. This is the second level. Through this source, we can acquire knowledge about entities that was hidden from our senses but their effects are visible to us. A smoke and light coming from behind a wall point to a fire behind it even if we don’t see the fire. The type or size of the smoke tell us more about the fire. Footprints point to someone who passed by some time ago. The shape or size of footprint tell us more about the one who left it behind. Using these signs and through reasoning and logic, our brains can build a good knowledge about that entity. With these infinite number of signs that Allah filled the universe with, is it really hard to realize His existence, His infinite power and wisdom and mercy? All it takes is a little reasoning and a heart clear of envy, grudge and love for worldly life to instantly come to Him. “And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is over all things competent. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying: ‘Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.'”(3:189-191). Receiving from trusted source. This is the third level. Once we firmly believe in Allah, then we believe in each and everything He told us about in His books and through His messengers. This is the ultimate source of knowledge; it is boundless, it is coming straight from Him. Under this source also falls the unseen world; everything that was hidden from our senses and its effects are invisible to us like paradise, hellfire, angels, jinns, life in the grave, life after death, future events etc. This knowledge is only given to the true believers. It is priceless and the one that enables you to live in your Lord’s paradise here on earth before moving to His eternal paradise in heavens.


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