
There's Only This - What Does It Mean? (Nonduality)

There's Only This - What Does It Mean? (Nonduality) There's Only This (Nonduality)

In this video I respond to an email question: “When it’s said there’s only this, what does it mean?” There seem to be common phrases that appear when nonduality is spoken about: What’s happening, Only This, What Is...all attempt to point to the truth that nothing other than This can be happening and even this is illusory.

“We have to use language, so let’s say what happened [in an event] was awakening. What that means is a sudden seeing that there is no one, a sudden seeing of this, that this is all there is, totally unmediated by the self.”
- Richard Sylvester

✨Absolute Awareness ✨
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Nonduality,non duality for dummies,non duality teachers,What is nonduality,Nondualism,there's only you,non-duality,nondualism,meditation,awareness,consciousness,Introduction to Nonduality,There's Only This,What Is Advaita or Nonduality,Non Duality Quotes,

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