
30 often mispelled words | most common misspelled words in English|Correct Spelling Mistake

30 often mispelled words | most common misspelled words in English|Correct Spelling Mistake In this video, you will see commonly misspelled words in English.Many English words are often misspelled by writers. we look at thirty of such words.These spelling errors are quite often made by many English learners at their initial stage of learning the English language or unintentionally.

correct spelling - wrong spelling

1 exceed – excede

2 extreme – extreem
3. Harass - Harrass
4. Liaison - Liason
5. Fluorescent - Flourescent
6. Consensus - Concensus
7.Conscientious - Consciencious
8. Sergeant - Sargent
9. Perceive - Percieve
10. Upholstery - Upholstry

11. Misspell - Mispell
12. Indispensable - Indispensible
13. Embarrass - Embarass
14. indict -Indite
15.Imitate - Immitate
16.Calendar -Calender
17.Caribbean - Carribbean
18.Deceive - Decieve
19.Weird - Wierd
20.Writing - Writting
21.Separate - Seperate
22.Tomorrow - Tommorow, Tommorrow
23.Gauge - Guage
24.Professor - Professer
25.Necessary - Neccessary, Necessery
26.Lightning - Lightening
27.Questionnaire - Questionaire, Questionnair
28.Privilege - Privelege, Priveledge
29. Withhold - Withold
30.Millennium - Milennium, Millenium

English,Spelling of words,most wrongly spelt words,how to spell,English Speaking skills,writing skills,

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