
Chuck Pierce: The War For Your Voice

Chuck Pierce: The War For Your Voice Chuck speaks in the Santa Maria Healing Rooms on 11/23/2019
Quotes: “This year is a war over the voice of your free thought. The Lord said it will be a great shaking this year in California. Tell my people they will remain standing and their voice will be heard out of the shaking. The Lord said, “Tell them they are going to move what they have established here to the mountains.” That says to me there's a societal call for you to establish this in government and in business. In the book of Exodus God comes down because these people are crying out in Egypt and finds Moses in Midian. The bush begins to burn and caught Moses's attention. Moses turned to see the bush. Now that is the key to what Dutch was saying last night. Suddenly, something different in your familiar settings is going to catch your attention. You're going to turn to look at it. When you do God's going to arrest you.”


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This is an era where freedom is a result of how we speak.
This year is a war over the voice of your free thought.
The Lord said it will be a great shaking this year in California.
Tell my people they will remain standing and their voice will be
heard out of the shaking.
I think you're going to have such a
governmental shake-up that it starts
setting you on a new course.
The era is about our voice determining our future,
linked with coming face to face.
It's out of that choice that your future is determined.
God chose Moses’ mother.
Hebrews 11 shows how his mother
had three months of faith.
She knew what to do with him for three months.
Then she had to make a shift.
Faith is a response we need toward an object.
In other words, how we're responding here in worship
is causing our faith to come into a new dimension.
Faith just in something you just walk
constantly and you're looking for out here.
Faith is where suddenly you're in a certain place in a certain time
and you're making a response to who your object of faith is.
For us it is the God of this universe.
After three months Moses’ mother had to make a shift
so, she put him in the river and he ends up in Pharaoh's court.
He is in training there and when he's 40 years old is he
his emotions take over and pull him out of faith.
He murders this Egyptian over the Egyptian killing a Hebrew slave.
Something in his bloodline stirred up that he had really had.
It had always been there and he expressed
anger in a way that caused him to have
to run to another place.
Well, it took 40 years for the Lord to wait for another
window of opportunity.
Some of you have been waiting 40 years
and you've made a few mistakes,
but it doesn't mean you don't
havea window of opportunity.
You've still got windows coming over you.
You're just going to have to look at look for them.
Time has already been bought back,
but we need to enter the operation
of displaying how the Lord bought it back for us.
So, Moses forty years later, the Lord comes down,
and the people began to cry out.
Think of a move of intercession across California where
people are crying out.
God is going to respond to you
and He's going to find people.
He's going to move people into places,
governmental places.
The Lord said, “Tell them they
are going to move what they have
established here to the mountains.”
That says to me there's a societal call for you to
establish this in government and in business.
In the book of Exodus God comes down because these people are
crying out in Egypt and finds Moses in Midian.
The bush begins to burn and
caught Moses's attention.
Moses turned to see the bush.
Now that is the key to what Dutch was saying last night.
Suddenly, something different in your
familiar settings is going to catch your attention.
You're going to turn to look at it.
When you do God's going to arrest you.
He’ll say, “I've just been waiting for you to
make this turn and remember the Lord.”
Moses said how are you going to do this?
God said, “You're going to go do this,
and you're going to say that. I am sending you to do it.”
We’ve got to get to a new level we got to get to a new level
in the way we communicate things.
He said, “Tell them I am sent you. I am that I am.”
Do you know what that means?
Moses I will be to you what you need me
to be at any moment.
God is coming down in your familiar settings.
Healing God is coming down in your familiar settings.
He has a way to communicate to you and this state.
We need to recognize how he's coming down.
Familiarize yourself with your atmosphere.
The problem in Nazareth was that it had a familiar spirit.
They thought they knew Jesus but they
didn't know his new identity.

Jesus,Jesus Christ,Bible,Christian,Christianity,Holy Spirit,Holy Ghost,Pentecost,Pentecostal,Prophecy,Prophesy,Prophetic,Gifts of the Spirit,Miracles,Salvation,Deliverance,Spiritual Warfare,Intercession,Prophetic Intercession,Prayer,Breakthrough,Healing,Chuck Pierce,Glory of Zion,GZI,Bill Johnson,Dutch Sheets,Jane Hamon,Bethel Redding,It's Supernatural,Shawn Bolz,Sid Roth,Karen Wheaton,Kevin Zadai,Jesus Culture,Joel Osteen,Joyce Meyer,King of Kings,

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