
Fallout 76 Survival | (ENG|FIN) Livestream #17 | Public and private server grinding

Fallout 76 Survival | (ENG|FIN) Livestream #17 | Public and private server grinding Im JM. 28 years old lad born and raised in Finland. I don't have many huge goals in life but that 1000 subscribers on youtube has always been one of them. Check my streams out if you got the time and if my content is not your cup of tea then no hard feelings, thanks for stopping by anyway!

Want to help me get games or just a cup of coffee?

Wanna see the best Fallout 76 content? check out this channel then!

my discord

Here are my Stream rules
-Be kind
-Don't be a jerk( Not even as joke. some people might not get the sarcasm)
-No spam
-Respect each other
-Don't write religion,politics,race,and other sensitive subject in the chat

( Donations not required in anyway. But are highly appreciated) ( No gif will show up!)
Gamerzsoul 210 USD
Djdmen 5€
Hardeep rajput 8€

#PS4Live,PlayStation 4,Sony Interactive Entertainment,Fallout 76,

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