
More incredible health benefits of walking

More incredible health benefits of walking More Incredible Health Benefits of Walking

By James Ojwang - Category Fitness and Featured
1. Since I realized the health benefits of swift walking, I have been walking every day to my place of work in Kiserian. On top of being a fitness trainer, I double up as a teacher in one of the most prestigious private schools in Kajiado North County.

I had to mention that to remove the notion from your mind that walking equals poverty.

2. You will many times find car owners pitying guys who walk along the road either to school or to work. They think that they are poor and cannot afford transport. Of course, I cannot deny that there are such instances.

But as more rich guys get enlightened on the health benefits of walking, I have seen quite a number of them in my neighbourhood leaving their cars at home and taking route 11, as we refer to it on the streets.

3. In my previous piece, I discussed weight loss as the first evident benefit of daily swift walking.

Today, we move on to other incredible health benefits of daily brisk walking.

4. No. 2 - walking boosts blood circulation

Walking improves blood circulation. The persistent foot impact on the pavements or footpaths increases the amount of blood sent to the brain and other organs of the body.

Researchers have established that the impact of the foot generates pressure waves through the arteries - these have the effect of boosting the flow of blood into and out of the brain.

5. Blood also flows properly to all the muscles of the body. You know how important blood circulation is for your body. In case blood does not circulate properly through your body, you are very likely to develop varicose veins, spider veins, leg ulcers, and skin discoloration.

6. In addition, poor blood circulation may make you experience the following:

Deadness in the feet and hands

Unusually cold feet and hands

Inflammation of feet and legs

Loss of memory

Poor concentration

Digestive problems


Joint ache

Feet ulcers

So save yourself from all this by simply walking.

7. No. 3 - Walking boosts your heart health

If done consistently, walking strengthens your heart and safeguards you from a myriad of heart diseases - for example, coronary artery disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, coronary thrombosis, heart failure, high blood pressure, mitral regurgitation, and pulmonary stenosis, among others.

8. No. 4 - Walking makes you happy

Trust me, there is nothing like starting a day in high spirits. Walking sets you in the right mood for that job, class or whatever you have to do during the day. Goods moods nearly guarantee you success in what you place your hands on.

9. What happens is that the body produces more feel-good endorphins as you keep walking. The result is a stress-free day. Nothing like anxiety or worry over trivial issues of life. The fact that your day starts in the presence of fresh air and the early morning sun is just so blissful.

10. In addition, the time spent walking is very ideal for meditation. This happens almost subconsciously. You see, there is no work that you are doing as you walk. You are not on social media with your smartphone. You are not seated in front of a computer writing reports or so forth. The brain is in a way free, and good thoughts start flowing.

11. And when you get home in the evening, after a psyched up day, love-making will not feel burdensome. You will play with your spouse as little kids during a short break from classwork. But this is only if both of you are in high spirits - so influence your spouse to cherish walking.

12. No. 5 - Walking boosts your memory

I don’t know if you have realized that students who engage in physical activities are generally sharper than those who sit buried in books throughout the day. Walking does the same.

Scientists, in a recent study, showed that swift walking slows down the shrinking of the brain associated with aging. Furthermore, your mental skills remain sharp for longer than normal.

In a nutshell, cherish walking. There are other several health benefits of daily swift walking I’m looking to cover in my next piece. Stay tuned!

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