
WATCH: No other American could 'get away with' what Trump did, Rep. Lieu says | Trump impeachment

WATCH: No other American could 'get away with' what Trump did, Rep. Lieu says | Trump impeachment During the hours of debate ahead of the Dec. 18 House impeachment vote, Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., said, "no one in America could do what Donald Trump did and get away with it." Trump's actions with regard to Ukraine, including abusing his office's power for personal gain, were "particularly insidious," Lieu said. "Impeachment is a form of deterrence," he added, "and whether Donald Trump leaves in month, one year or five years, this impeachment is permanent. It will follow him for the rest of the his life, and history books with record it." The two articles of impeachment charge President Donald Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. If passed, the process will then head for a trial in the Senate, where Republicans have a majority. Earlier in the day, the House voted to approve rules for the vote.

For more on who’s who in the Trump impeachment inquiry, read:

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Vote,articles,Impeachment,debate,Congress,House,floor,Trump,Donald Trump,President Trump,President,republicans,democrats,gop,support,against,tally,phone call,whistleblower,Rudy Giuliani,Giuliani,lawyer,Joe Biden,Biden,Hunter,aid,withheld,quid pro quo,PBS,PBS NewsHour,russia,inquiry,ukraine,obstruction,abuse of power,re-election,campaign,high crimes and misdemeanors,

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