
What's The Actual Meaning Of Life? | The Hidden Truth

What's The Actual Meaning Of Life? | The Hidden Truth What's The Actual Meaning Of Life? I mean, what's the point of life? I get into it deep in this video. The answer may surprise you.

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Welcome to another episode of Open Your Reality. Chad here. What is the real meaning of life? If you’re watching this video you’ve probably asked yourself this question on more than one occasion. People of all cultures want to know: Why are we here? What is our purpose? And why do we exist?

These are the questions that have plagued humanity since its inception. While religion has provided its answers, I don’t think they’re truly satisfactory. And that’s why I want to throw my hat into the ring and provide insight into how a simulation theorist would answer this question. Because as many of you know who follow my channel, I believe we’re living inside a simulated world that is nothing more than a virtual construct for consciousness.

It may surprise you to hear this, but earthly life is a virtual reality simulation that is being played out on a vast computer. And that is one of the reasons we are all netted, because all of our consciousness is being simulated by the same computer. So, yes, even our consciousness is computed.

Now, why do we log onto a physical body here on this planet? Well, to answer this question would be to answer the question of what is the meaning of life. And so now we can get into the crux of it. You see the place where our consciousness was created and resides is comfortable and safe. It’s what we think of as our real home.

While this sounds great, our consciousness cannot learn or evolve in such a secure place. So in order to grow, we need to log our consciousness into a place like earth where we are fully immersed and there are life and death consequences. This puts us on the fast track to soul evolution.

In order to evolve, we need to place our consciousness into a challenging enough environment from which we can make free will choices that matter and believe it’s all totally real.

Our consciousness does this by agreeing to place itself into a virtual reality simulation that is fully immersive. It then completely forgets it’s only playing a game inside a simulation. And all of this takes place in that heavenly realm. But it’s common to think it not so. This to me was a shocking revelation.

So in essence, your individual consciousness never goes anywhere. It does not travel through time and space to enter a physical body. It simply logs onto a data stream. This is similar to a person playing a video game in their living room. While the game itself takes place in other worlds, that person himself is not in those worlds. It’s the same with our consciousness and our experience here.

The main thing to know is that it’s not so important as to what happens to you, but how you deal with it that makes the most difference in your soul evolution.

Since everything that will happen to you is temporary, and furthermore is just virtual, we can rest assured that whatever seems bad now, will eventually cease. Even the memory of it will eventually fade away. We therefore should not lament that we are experiencing bad circumstances, but embrace this time as an exercise or test in learning how to deal with them in an evolved manner.

Everyone can understand this intellectually when in peaceful moments. But when in the grip of anger, frustration and sadness, it is easy to make poor choices. It is those times that define our character the most and these are the moments when we either stagnate or make the correct choices that actually evolve our spirit. And when we do level up, not only does our soul evolve, but so does the entire computer system that simulates us all.

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