
Your DNA Your Personalized Nutrition

Your DNA Your Personalized Nutrition Dr. Chris Colgin D.C. of San Mateo California discusses a new DNA Designer Nutritional modality that uses your very own DNA to help build a customized nutritional product made to specifically give your body the precise nutrients that your body needs.

Get a lot more information here-

Robert Ritter- Certified Independent Utritionist
Call me with questions- (619)905-5762

Hear what others are saying about this ground breaking
new technology -

The Science- Dr. Jen Myers Certified Genetecist
Explains the following Gene variants

- The APOB Gene
- The ATP5C1 Gene
- The CRP Gene
- The CYP11B2 Gene
- The EPHX Gene
- The FTO Gene
- The FUT2 Gene
- The GSTP1 Gene
- The IL6 Gene

There are many more. All science is based upon peer reviewed studies. A comprehensive Wellness Action plan is a part of the DNA Designer nutrition plan called Uforia. This video can help you to see how it is easily understood by anyone. The color coding of green (no variant) yellow (one variant) and red (two variants) makes it easy to see which Genes need the most nutritional support. And, with your customized nutrition, you can provide that support, for the first time in the history of nutrition.

--Understanding Your Wellness Action Plan-


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