
7 Chakras - Energy centers & ailments in the body (Emphasis on root chakra and the meaning of IAM)

7 Chakras - Energy centers & ailments in the body (Emphasis on root chakra and the meaning of IAM) I've had a challenging week of debilitating back pain but in this time I give thanks because my pain taught me so much. When I quieted down and listened is whispered so many secrets. Some that I had heard before but am, through this experience coming into my own personal knowing that was divinely given by Spirit. We can discover the energetic truths behind every pain that manifests in the body. We can also discover how every reality that manifests has an "other" or an "opposite" which cannot easily be explained in simplistic terms but I hope my few examples encourage all of you to go deeper and ask what beliefs are begging to be examined and even dissolved.


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