
Bible for Business: God will Swiftly Bless Kingdom Financiers When We're in Alignment

Bible for Business: God will Swiftly Bless Kingdom Financiers When We're in Alignment "The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.”--Isaiah 60:22 Though God won't bless Kingdom Financiers when we're trying to do business like the world, He will swiftly bless us once we're in alignment with His will. Our God works in seasons. There's seed-time and harvest. When we commit fully to the ways of God in our business vision, values and practices, we begin to plant Godly seeds through our businesses into the lives of others. As we're sowing, God begins to align every aspect of our lives and businesses with His will. He even aligns circumstances on earth and the atmosphere in heaven with His will to bless us to be a blessing. Then harvest season arrives. It is the season when all these elements are in alignment with His will and the seeds we've sown have had time to take root. Seemingly overnight, the seeds we've sown begin to bud, and grow, and grow, until the fullness of the harvest! God is aligning you and your business with His Kingdom purposes. Are you following His leading? Are you sowing good seeds into others through your business? Expect a harvest in the season of precise alignment! To reach that season, you need a coach who understands this alignment and can release Biblical business wisdom, prophetic revelation and apostolic planning into your business during your seed-time. Prayerfully consider Kingdom Pillars Coaching for Kingdom Financiers. Visit to learn more and request your FREE Strategy Session with one of our Kingdom Wealth Consultants, to discover if Kingdom Pillars Coaching is God's will for you in this season!

Kingdom wealth,Prosperity coaching,Bible for Business,

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