
EU panic: Brussels 'has buyer’s remorse’ over blocking Brexit deal and FEARS UK thriving - News 247

EU panic: Brussels 'has buyer’s remorse’ over blocking Brexit deal and FEARS UK thriving  - News 247 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans has caused controversy over his “love letter” to the UK, insisting the nation is always welcomed back into the EU. Political commentator George Pascoe Watson argued Mr Timmermans was embodying the EU’s fear the UK would thrive after Brexit. While speaking to TalkRadio’s James Max Mr Watson argued the EU was fearful that other nations would choose to leave after Britain succeeded. The radio host said: “The nation would say, look we have voted not once, not twice but probably six times now to say goodbye to the EU. “We are fed up with this institution, we are not interested in coming back. “We are leaving, we’re going, we’re gone and we don’t care for your love letters.” Mr Watson replied: “Frans Timmermans has done what a lot of people in the EU feel.   “This is that they have an extraordinary sense of loss as Britain prepares to leave the European Union. “Not only does the EU feel they are going to lose lots of our money, which is a serious consideration for the poorer EU countries. “They also realise Britain’s influence, common sense and power in terms of security and defence is a major loss. “For them, for the last three years, to have been blocking Britain’s decent Brexit deal they are beginning to get buyer’s remorse.  “They realise that not only will Britain thrive outside of the EU, they will also realise there are many other EU countries who will be thinking if Britain is going to do well out of the EU why shouldn’t we line up and get out as well. “That is the biggest concern. “Frans Timmermans is the vice president of the EU and his big concern is obviously other countries lining up to leave saying, we will do the same.  Trending  “Britain is going to thrive outside of the EU and we would like to as well.” Mr Timmermans published his open letter on Boxing Day and said the decision to leave the EU “broke his heart.” He wrote: “You decided to leave. It breaks my heart, but I respect that. “You were in two minds about it, like you have always been in two minds about the EU. “I wish you had stuck to that, it served you well and it kept all of us in better shape.”

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