I'm not quitting! (for now)
also I wanna say that just do what you want (no dangerous thingies tho brahs) but be brave and believe in yourself WE ALL GONNA DIE ANYWAY! So why not live to the fullest? :D
I'm gonna tell the stories as the order of the video goes
First scenario - A girl was in love with a guy and he liked her as well but she was too worried that he wont like her and that it will ruin their friendship but after quite some time he moved on cuz he thought she didnt like him and found someone else that he loved
Second scenario - A guy that was a workaholic and left to another country for work but then he got fired so he came back to his house but saw a stranger with his wife and daughter looking like a family and they divorced and he lost everything
Third scenario- A girl had to go to a big job interview but went to a party and thought she was responsible enough but she wasnt
Fourth scenario- Father and his son fought and his son said to his father that he wish he never had him as his father but the next day the son wanted to apologize but sadly...his father died in an accident
and the last part of the video - Is about me irl :D
I think that Gacha have been taken all of my time and originally I wanted to be a Minecraft youtuber and still do! But I got shy and I dont have ideas for Minecraft videos cuz my creativity is wasted on Gacha i can just think so fast about vids cuz I'm used to it but I want to work on youtube has a job and I dont think I will be doing Gacha when I'm 20
but, I enjoy it at times cuz it is fine and easy and let's your creative mind going!
You may support my Minecraft channel!!
NO IM NOT QUITTING (for now tho)