
KONMAX 2020 Annual party and Outstanding Employee Awards Ceremony

KONMAX 2020 Annual party and Outstanding Employee Awards Ceremony KONMAX held a ceremonious and grand outstanding employee awards ceremony on January 10th, 2020. The party is consisted of speeches from the general manager, commendation of outstanding employees, cultural performances, and dinner parties.
First of all, general manager Jacky made speech of new year greeting and summarized the achievements of KONMAX in 2019. For the first time, KONMAX's turnover exceeded 10 million US dollars, and 30% of new customers were added to expand the market,he clarified the new goals and new developments in 2020. General Manager jacky thanked all the new and old partners of KONMAX for their support and wished the partners a prosperous business in the new year. Thanks KONMAX All contributions made by employees to the company, I wish all employees a happy new year and happy family. Then General Manager Jacky and the leaders of KONMAX awarded trophies and bonuses to outstanding employees, outstanding employees, employees praised by customers and outstanding teams in 2019. Hope They continue to make more contributions in the new year.
Secondly, a variety of art performances were performed by KONMAX staff. There are many forms of performance including singing, instrumental performance, dance, poetry recitation, and magic performances. KONMAX employees Not only has he performed prominently in the workplace, but also developed well in his personal interests.
Finally, there was a grand dinner. The dishes were rich and delicious. Everyone held up wine glasses and blessed each other.
For more party information, please visit on our website! Thank you! Whatsapp:+8618662633547


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