
More ghostly Orbs in the future reading for NRA. Starts to appear right after 1 second of video.

More ghostly Orbs in the future reading for NRA. Starts to appear right after 1 second of video. This is the original video and the other ones are compressed videos. It shows much better with the original videos. This one had multiple orbs as well. So I looked into what these orbs mean.

0.1 anomaly from my left hand shoot up.
1.07 from the right side orb appears flying into upper area.
6:32 Orb from the bottom cross the screen to the top
8:08 Orb appears in the middle & quickly disappears towards right
10:56 One in the middle appears & quickly disappears
10:59 Big orb appears from where the rocks are
11:15 Another one but very weak from where the big crystal bowl is
11;50 Orb from top right corner runs towards my sleeve
12:05 From the top in the middle, it travels towards me
18:13 Small orb appears where the cards are but not very obvious
22:15 One shoots down from top & it travels back up towards where the rocks are then, one hovers around that area comes down zigzag a bit, hesitates stops then travel towards down.

That's all I have caught.

Below are the article about these orbs what they mean.

Orbs are probably the most photographed type of anomaly. They appear as a transparent or translucent ball of light that is hovering over the ground. Many ghost hunters and guests on Ghosts & Gravestones are surprised to see them in their photos. It is believed that orbs are the soul of a human or even an animal that has died and is traveling around from one place to another. The circular shape they take on makes it easier for them to move around and is often the first state they appear in before they become a full-bodied apparition. If you’re lucky enough to capture an orb on video, you’ll be amazed by how fast they can move. In photographs they are usually white but can be blue as well.So many ghostly orbs are seen in my short video. They started to appear when I was questioning if many people will die from Corona Virus in South Korea. They must have been the passed souls from Corona Virus because as I start to saying Has anyone died? they started to appear.

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