
Puppy Socialization | How to socialize a puppy | Puppy Obedience | Engagement 101 #TFEtv

Puppy Socialization | How to socialize a puppy | Puppy Obedience | Engagement 101 #TFEtv Oh you're going to Home Depot with your 4 month old puppy? Sweet! Here are a few things to remember.

1. Letting your dog interact with strangers is not important. At all.

Your puppy is friendly. We're not worried about showing the world how friendly fido is. We know he/she is friendly AF.

What I'd be more worried about is how my puppy perceives a human being.

It's important to remember that you have the AMAZING opportunity to set the foundation for your puppy.

Letting chaotic interaction with strangers happen is literally teaching your dog that when he or she see's's PARTY TIME!

Then what? Now you mad cuz Fido is always jacked up when he see's people and you wonder why.

You have NO idea you accidentally taught your dog to lose it when she see's people, and now you're probably going to have to hire me. me a grouch or a grump all you want for not allowing it. I am SO much less concerned with some persons opinion about it, than I am how my dog see's this world.

2. If you're taking your pup to a place like Home Depot, it would be a good idea to anticipate humans approaching.

Most people don't have a single ounce of dog savvy.

Head on a swivel, but keep in mind that your puppy needs your guidance and leadership every second you're in that place.

Engagement work through luring and obedience. Redirecting the animal when she becomes distracted, and ultimately giving her a better option.

It's a simple game of helping your dog stay on you. The CONSISTENT engagement through obedience and shaping is really all I focus on.

Engagement is always the trump card. What is more important that being able to get your dogs attention when you need it?

If you can't get your dog's attention at home, you sure as hell ain't gonna get it out at Home Depot.

Take all this seriously because it isn't something I read in a book, nor is it something I saw on "the Gram".

I live this storybook. It's everyday for me, and I study hard, believe me.

Your mission for you and your dog should be one flesh. A unit. A team on the same page.

How do you get on the same page? You earn it.

Don't put in the time working on the right things and you're going to have problems with your dog. It's just the way it is.

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