
Steve Isdahl's Satanic Sasquatch...and Hostile Smear Campaign

Steve Isdahl's Satanic Sasquatch...and Hostile Smear Campaign I've turned off comments for this video after seeing that so many of them reflect a willful misunderstanding of the simple point I'm making: Everyone is entitled to his or her view on the nature of Sasquatch, but no one is entitled to jam it down others' throats and attack and spread lies about those who disagree. I myself have a very specific outlook (guided by natural science and evolution), but 1. I admit I could be wrong (the Bible may be the Truth), and 2. I would never accuse those who differ from my viewpoint of participating in some vast, malicious, and ego-driven cover-up...UNLESS I had solid evidence of such a conspiracy. I worry that Isdahl's bullying and slandering of all who do not share his negative, fear-based view of the species will soon escalate and turn ugly. Fingers crossed, hoping I'm wrong.

Mutual respect is what we need. The only reason I'm challenging Steve is that he is driving a wedge into the community and unfairly vilifying one of our primary spokesmen for the reality of the species, persuading people to take the subject seriously. With his high profile within mainstream society, Meldrum has done much more (over 25 years) to vindicate witness sanity and reliability than Steve has in just a few months. If Steve succeeds in trashing Meldrum's reputation in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people, that will serve to undermine Meldrum's effectiveness in spreading the truth of Sasquatch existence and thus (ironically) do great damage to what Steve CLAIMS is his primary goal: to support witnesses dignity and sincerity.
I just received a comment that perfectly illustrates the problem: "You turned off comments on the video you just posted about Steve Isdahl. I think that it was very wrong of you to make a video solely to show him in a negative light. I am glad that you divulged the information that you do not believe in GOD or the Bible. I wish that you had disclosed this fact earlier so that I could have unsubscribed from your channel sooner. That explains even more why you detest Steve and his Christian views." Now, if I detested Christian views, why would I have nothing but good things to say about Scott Carpenter? I could not have been clearer in my video about exactly what I'm objecting to in Steve's treatment of researchers, but apparently some people will never be able or willing to comprehend it.

Bigfoot,Sasquatch,Steve Isdahl,Nephilim Sasquatch,,

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