Once again to Messiah and Him alone be all the Praise, Honor & Glory. We thank you for viewing us. The key to occupy in these last moments is to walk by and in faith (Heb.11:6, 2 Cor.5:7, Luke 18:8); Seek Absolute Truth (Jn. 8:32, Jn.17:17, Jn.16:13) & seek Resolute Discernment (Heb.4:12). For this, we indeed need be active Bereans (Acts 17:11) and dig deeper in the Word of God and let the Author, Ruach HaKhodesh Himself teach us. We indeed serve a living God who is the King of Ages and His Attributes are absolutely matchless and totally indescribable. And His Word is living and active as Heb. 4:12 tells us- “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Today let us dig deeper in His Word and let us get to know Him better. We are almost at the end of end times and let us remember the incredible extremes our King Yeshua HaMashiach underwent on our behalf so that we may live and be adopted sons and daughters of His Kingdom. Let us all purify ourselves and get ready to embrace our reigning and coming King Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!
Our dear fellow brethren- “WAITING ON GOD” and “WAITING WITH GOD” are two entirely different things, though it may sound the same from the periphery. “WAITING ON GOD” gives way to actions based on Human Reasoning. But “WAITING WITH GOD” sees this pause as a Time to Grow in Messiah according to His Will. So Today let us Wait with God rather than Waiting On God.
Links to understand and combat the Spiritual Warfare:
The Link:
The Link:
We do request you our dear brothers & sisters to please do keep praying for our continued strength and endurance so that we can walk in the call Yeshua Ha Mashiach has on my family & me and glorify His Holy Name. We thank you so much for your continued prayers. Also, me & my family are praying for you all and especially for each and every fellow brethren who has asked for prayers. We do claim on Phil.1:9-11 for each one of you.
Philippians 1:9-11
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in
knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
Also, if and only if the Holy Spirit leads you to donate to this ministry, which will as a matter of fact help us to sustain our basic needs (like house rent, water & electricity bills and things alike)- please do use the following link:
We thank you for your support for our sustenance and pray that may the Lord bless you all abundantly to glorify His Holy Name and may Yeshua Ha Mashiach open for you the windows of heaven, And pour out for you such blessing, That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with your prayer requests at-
Also, our dear fellow brethren we do implore you to please pray over and let Messiah lead you to join us on the exciting journey to understand about the prophetic times we are living in as outlined in the Scriptures, penned by none other than Yeshua HaMashiach Himself.
Link to Our Study Website for The Prophetic Times We Are Living In As Penned by Yeshua HaMashiach Himself:
Link to Our Discussion Forum:
Also dear brothers & sisters, we once again highly encourage to be a part of our Berean Expository Bible Study. Our First session started in Sept. 2016. Please do take this opportunity to go on this adventure which will definitely help each one of us to rejoice in Him and get ready to be a part of His Kingdom. We welcome you to explore our Website to get familiarized with the components of this exciting journey. The link is here-
May the Lord bless you abundantly in this exciting journey to explore and get to know the Greatest Man Ever who visited us.
The Bible says- “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.” (Ps. 145:18)
We plead the Aaronic blessing(Num.6:24-26) on each one of you. Shalom!!