
Thoughts Are Tools - CHOOSE WISELY!

Thoughts Are Tools - CHOOSE WISELY! This video is in VR 180 format.

Thoughts are tools. There’s an infinite number floating around you every single second of every single day. Those thoughts create our reality. Unknowingly, you sift through this infinite database of thoughts as you go about your day, selecting and sorting them into different boxes. These thoughts are not yours, these thoughts exist to nobody. Your thoughts are not yours. They exist completely separately from you, hidden in plain sight until you think of it. Then it gets shot into your brain, translated into a language you understand, and a voice you recognize, convincing you that this is something you’ve created. It’s not. You found it, sure, and you may have chosen to borrow it, but you certainly did not create it. Your thoughts are representative of you just as much as the smell of a cinnamon roll is. It’s not. They exist without you, and if you don’t pick them up, someone else may at some point down the line. They are not yours. However, you may use them as you wish. After all, they are very powerful tools that, when used properly or improperly, shape your life and create your experience of this existence. To put it simpler – The thoughts in your head are not yours. The thoughts in your head are tools that you may choose to borrow or discard. They are not you. You are not them. A pen and paper are not you. You are not a pen and paper. However, a pen and paper are fantastic tools to create, just like thoughts. Following? If you write down something hurtful in a letter to someone, you’ll most likely hurt their feelings. Just like If you think something hurtful to yourself, you’ll also most likely hurt your own feelings. Seriously, how many times a day, from the infinite number of thoughts out there, do you choose thoughts that are hurtful to yourself or to others? Probably more than you care to admit. Probably more than you realize, even unknowingly. And then you go about your day, defining yourself by these thoughts that you’ve chosen to think whether you realize it or not. You’ve borrowed this thought right out of the air, translated it into your brain, and then decided it was who you are. Because that’s what you’ve always done. The whole process is on autopilot at this point, so you don’t even realize you’re doing it. But every belief you’ve ever had was borrowed because you stumbled upon it in a random moment in time full of infinite thoughts you could have chosen, it sounded like you so you believed what it said and never looked back. And it’s now your truth. What people think about you, what your parents told you when you were young, what the media has shown you, opinions, every experience that has shaped you to be who you are today, started as a thought. Out of all the thoughts to choose from in every single one of those moments, you chose those thoughts. However, thoughts are borrowed not kept. That’s why it’s so easy to change your mind. Because the thought is not yours. You are in control of what you think. You just have to choose them instead of letting them choose you.

#Thoughts #Subsconcious #Beliefs

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