
1st Interview after 10 months of detoxing - Detoxing to Alleviate Symptoms of Autism

1st Interview after 10 months of detoxing - Detoxing to Alleviate Symptoms of Autism This video series is about removing toxins from our son's body so that we may alleviate the symptoms of autism.
He started out at 75 on the ATEC, having him considered to have moderate - severe autism.
We currently scored him at 48 on the ATEC, having him in the moderate - mild autism range.
We did 5 rounds of Andy Cutler Chelation MAR 2019 - JUN 2019 and 7 months detoxing with TRS JUL 2019 - FEB 2020 at the time of this interview.
For more information,
We chose to become distributors ourselves after detoxing with TRS for 20 weeks, seeing the powerful results ourselves.


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