
After This Manner Pray! Matthew 6:9-13 Apostle Kenith Lewis

After This Manner Pray! Matthew 6:9-13 Apostle Kenith Lewis Much has been written about Jesus' model prayer. Rather than something to be blindly recited, this is a short guide for disciples on how to pray. The prayer easily divides into two parts: first, we recognize the inestimable greatness of God, and then we recognize our dependency upon him. As the previous verses indicate, God is our Father whom we can approach freely as Father, while at the same time revering his holiness. The first three petitions ask God to accomplish his ultimate will in our world and reveal his holy purposes to all people. The second three acknowledge our need for sustenance, forgiveness, and strength to face the rigors of daily spiritual and physical life. Bottom line: prayer doesn't need to be eloquent, but reverent of God, penitent before God, and dependent upon God while approaching him with confidence as his children.

pray,Our Father,holy,kingdom,Forgive,heaven,tempted,

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