
Caught In A Web of Lies: Jeremy Dewitte vs. The Truth

Caught In A Web of Lies: Jeremy Dewitte vs. The Truth On September 7, 2019 Jeremy Charles Dewitte was arrested by officers of the Windermere Police Department on charges of resisting arrest without violence, impersonating a police officer, and reckless driving. Dewitte wasn't thrilled, and he believed that one of the arresting officers had a personal vendetta against him due to a complaint Dewitte had filed about that officer at his previous agency.

Six days after his arrest, Dewitte, accompanied by his attorney Amir Ladan, entered the office of Windermere Police Detective John Allen. He was there to file a complaint. Under oath.

Part of Detective Allen's job is to assess a complainant's credibility, and to that end he questioned Dewitte about his history of police impersonation arrests and accusations. Understandably, Dewitte played down his extensive record, but far less understandable is what happened next. Dewitte rewrote history under oath. His arrest (and conviction) in 1998 for impersonating a police officer? He never told anyone that he was a cop! It all stemmed from an innocent mistake involving a credit card that his mom got him right after his 18th birthday! He had pumped $13.40 of gas, and he went back the next day and paid for it!

When I first heard that recording I couldn't believe my ears. I am very familiar with the details of Dewitte's first arrest. I have read all of the court records from the case many times and I transcribed, word-for-word, the (originally handwritten) five-page arrest affidavit so I could include it in a public post on Patreon. Dewitte's version? The innocent mistake version? Contradicted by the reality version.

Dewitte: "In fact, I [had] just turned 18 for like, a week."

Reality: His birthday is February 10th and the incident occurred on May 18th. (It wasn't reported to the police until June 11th, and Dewitte wasn't arrested until June 25th.)

Dewitte: 'My mom got me a credit card for my 18th birthday and I didn't know that it needed to be activated.'

Reality: There hadn't ever been a credit card. Dewitte attempted to pay using a prepaid Mobil "Go" gas card.

Dewitte: "I never told her that I was a police officer"

Reality: The clerk - who has no reason to lie about this - was very clear that Dewitte had claimed to be a police officer. He even told her work stories. (Dewitte had also told the gas station owner that he was a police officer, by phone.)

Even minor details, like the dollar amount of the gas he had pumped, were not real.

Dewitte: $13.40, stated with supreme confidence in the recording.

Reality: $14.50

And the last part, which may also be the most important part, perhaps second only to the personation issue: Dewitte's claim that he had gone back the next day and paid for the gas? Well, back in 1998 Jeremy Dewitte wrote a sworn affidavit addressing that very issue:

"...In his statement, Defendant admitted that he did not pay for the gasoline, and has not paid since the date of the incident."

You can't make this up.

All of the documents shown on screen in this video are available in Google Drive at

Also in that folder is Dewitte's Chicago arrest information. Because - hey - guess what? Turns out he was arrested in Chicago after all. (Or so says the Chicago Police Department.)


Last but not least, a correction: On-screen text in this video asserts that Florida police academy applicants must be at least 19 years old. I had been provided that information from a source I trusted and I regrettably did not verify it prior to including it in this video. By law the age requirement only kicks in upon graduation, prior to employment in a sworn capacity. That said, I have since contacted *every* accredited law enforcement training center in Orange county and all but one stated that they require their applicants to be 19. In the unlikely event that Mr. Dewitte can prove that he had been accepted to a 770-hour basic law enforcement training academy in 1998 [not an "Explorer Academy," "Citizen's Police Academy," or "Teen Police Academy"] he is welcome to email verifiable evidence to If that happens and his proof checks out, I will publish a prominent correction. I wouldn't hold your breath.

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