(बच्चों के साथ क्लास में इंग्लिश कैसे बोलें )
हर रोज बोले जाने वाली इंग्लिश सीखें :
(Daily Use English Sentences )
How to speak English with students at classroom Part 2:
(बच्चों के साथ क्लास में इंग्लिश कैसे बोलें )
In today’s English Speaking videos ‘ How to talk in English with principal |English conversation between teachers and principal | English for school teachers | #cherry ‘ Teachers will learn daily use English sentences that can be used with principal in various situations. इस video में आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखेंगे हिन्दी के द्वारा और आप सीखेंगे छोटे छोटे रोज़ बोले जाने वाले इंग्लिश सेंटेंस और वर्ड्स जो आप अपनी रोज़ाना लाइफ में प्रिंसिपल के साथ प्रयोग कर सकते है This English conversation practice video will definitely help you to speak English easily and fluently with principal. If you are looking for
1. English for teaching
2. English conversation practice for teachers
3. English conversation in hindi
4. English speaking for teachers
5. How to ask for leave
6. How to complain against a student
then you can find a lot of English sentences through Hindi in my classroom English videos . By using these English sentences you can do daily English speaking practice . English Speaking Videos of this channel covers the daily English Conversation and Basic English Conversation Lessons .
My channel will definitely help you to speak English easily and fluently .If you are looking for easy English sentences for kids that can be used for daily English conversation with kids then you can find a lot of English sentences through Hindi in my English Speaking Course Series. By using these English sentences you can do daily English speaking practice . English Speaking Videos of this channel covers the daily English Conversation and Basic English Conversation Lessons .
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