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Please reply to this tweet with the movie(s) you want to see in volume 2:
or comment on this video, though I'm more likely to see requests on Twitter.
Music remixed for this video by Iceferno,
Check out the full E.T theme - Pokémon remix:
Subscribe to Iceferno:
Shawshank Redemption remix by Leslie Wai.
Rocky remix by Hat-Loving Gamer.
See the complete SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION in the style of Pokémon:
See the complete ROCKY in the style of Pokémon:
See the COMPLETE series of movies and games in the style of Pokémon:
Download the character sprites made for this video (free):
Features great and nostalgic material from Pokémon Red/Blue (1996), Rocky (1976), E.T (1982), Beverly Hills Cop (1984), Terminator (1985), Robocop (1987), Home Alone (1990), Shawshank Redemption (1994), Independence Day (1996), Titanic (1997), The Room (2003).
This is an animated video, and not a legitimate feature of any real game. Nor is this video affiliated with Nintendo, or any of the companies whose work is referenced in it.