
Passion Jesus 52- Holy Saturday and the Church identical to the Virgin Mary (4 min)

Passion Jesus 52- Holy Saturday and the Church identical to the Virgin Mary (4 min) English translation of Passion Jésus 52- Le samedi saint et l’Eglise identique à la Vierge Marie (4 mn)

Why was Jesus buried and what does this entail? The text is very clear. There was a man there who was a disciple of Jesus in secret, Joseph of Arimathea. This man was rich. He asked Pilate, very courageously, with Nicodemus, that he should be given the body of Jesus and Pilate was surprised that he was already dead.

So he agreed. Joseph had a tomb that he had built where no one had ever been laid. So he took the body of Jesus and put it in the tomb very very quickly, because the Sabbath was coming. We know that during the Sabbath the Jews cannot work or move around, so that he did not have time to embalm him.

They put it in a clean shroud, and they closed the stone: they rolled the stone from the tomb. There were a few women watching, including Marie-Madeleine and she spent all of Saturday preparing herbs with the fixed idea of ​​coming to embalm her body on Sunday morning, the first day of the week.

This presence of God in the tomb has an extremely deep meaning. God is really hiding and man is left to himself, he no longer knows what he is doing on earth. The apostles leave. They are scattered, they camouflage themselves, they are afraid of being caught by the Romans.

In reality, during this Holy Saturday, the Church, coming out of the heart of Christ, this great Church which will conquer all humanity, because Christ attracts to him, is summed up in one person, Mary, Mary who has everything kept, all believed, all preserved, which has not lost a single second of faith, despite the martyrs it has experienced.

Even Saint John is there out of friendship and yet he is on the cross, but out of friendship. Not by deep understanding since he says that, on Sunday morning when he finds the shroud as collapsed, he will believe. So he had lost faith. This Holy Saturday shows how the works of God are: the fact that a little woman of fifty can be, by herself, the whole of the Catholic Church indicates how the works of God are not seen from the outside . And yet, the Church has never had as many qualities as in the heart of Mary that day and she will undoubtedly find it at the end of the world, in the little remnant that will believe, when the Church itself will live the same martyrdom, according to his Lord, under the reign of the last antichrist. These are Christian prophecies found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 675. If we wanted to look at the quality of the Catholic Church with someone like St. Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort, we could do this diagram below. Here it's not Adam and Eve, but it's on the cross, in the heart of Mary. The totality is understood. And then, obviously, after the departure of the Apostles, a loss and a rise, a rise until the very small Church came at the end of the world, very few in number, but made of people entirely given to Christ, to the Virgin Mary, faithful to the faith of the Church, through the writings of the Magisterium.
This quality will be found again. And yet, at that time, it will be like Holy Saturday. The antichrist, that is, a world government against God, will reign over the whole world. And only a few in the depths of their hearts, scattered, not knowing each other, will have kept the totality of the message and will have understood it like the Virgin Mary and will know that the Church, apparently defeated, disappeared, is winning, that the return of Christ is coming, because there it is, the totality of humility and love is in the hearts of a few.

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