
Technological Obstacles To Implementing The Green New Deal | Intellections

Technological Obstacles To Implementing The Green New Deal | Intellections Proponents of the Green New Deal want to shift all electricity production to renewable energy sources in just twelve years. Reducing carbon emissions is a noble goal, but converting entirely to renewables in that time frame wouldn’t just be expensive, it would be impossible. Increasing renewable energy production will require significant technological advancements that will not happen anytime soon.

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Additional resources:

Read “A Closer Look at the Left’s Agenda: Scientific, Economic, and Numerical Illiteracy on the Campaign Trail” by Michael J. Boskin, available here:

Read “The Green New Deal Is a Pipe Dream, Not a Serious Policy Proposal” by Lee Ohanian, available here:

Read “The Green New Deal and the Politics of Pessimism” by David Davenport, available here:

Read “The Farcical ‘Green New Deal’” by Richard Epstein, available here:

Read “Green New Deal a Peaen on to Naïve Idealism” by Richard Epstein, available here:

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Green New Deal,Carbon Emission,Global Warming,Climate Change,Hoover Institution,Hoover Institute,Michael Boskin,Environmentalism,

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