
Coronavirus: Ayurvedic tips by Dr Chauhan to boost immunity and stay protected. (HINDI)

Coronavirus: Ayurvedic tips by Dr Chauhan to boost immunity and stay protected. (HINDI) Panicking decreases immunity! Don’t panic, stay calm, and work on improving your immunity with these effective Ayurvedic tips by Dr Chauhan.

Ayurvedic tips for Coronavirus

The Coronavirus (COVID 19) also known as Wuhan virus has now infected people in 70 countries around the world. The virus has created a big fear and panic amongst the world population due to its high speed spread. In such situation it becomes everyone’s responsibility to gather more information and take extra care to prevent the spread of the virus. Below are some Ayurvedic tips that will useful.

Do not panic: Fear and negativity reduces immunity. Excessive mental stress also affects our digestion and thus causes formation of “ama”, a toxic material that is responsible for causing many diseases.

Maintaining hygiene is the best way to prevent the virus from entering your body. Wash hands often with soap and water, use sanitizers, cover your nose while sneezing, and avoid visiting busy and crowded places. Performing agnihotra/ yagya or burning havan samagri (a mixture of herbs) keeps your home and environment free from germs.

Boost your immunity: We all know that strong immunity is necessary to fight any kind of foreign body or disease. Coronavirus primarily affects the lungs and the respiratory system. Eating a tablespoonful of Chywanprash daily enhances the immunity, specifically that of lungs and respiratory system. Amalaki or Amala (Emblica officinalis), Guduchi/Glioy (Tinaspora cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Tulasi (holy basil) are some of the Ayurvedic herbs that are helpful in building the immunity and preventing the infection.

Citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit, lemon are rich source of vitamin C and are good to consume. Add juice of half lemon to a cup of lukewarm water and drink 2-3 times a day. Drinking warm water and keeping hydrated is very beneficial.

Robust digestion: In Ayurveda, a good digestion or strong digestive fire plays a very important role in fighting diseases. Eat a piece of fresh ginger or drink ginger tea. Mint tea, cinnamon tea and fennel tea are also good. You can also make this recipe: Take one liter water and add to it one teaspoonful of each – fennel, cumin, coriander powder and fresh grated ginger. Boil everything together for a few minutes, filter and fill in a thermos. Keep sipping this water throughout the day.

Another recipe: Take one cup of water and add a piece of crushed fresh ginger, two pieces of black pepper, two pieces of cloves and a pinch of turmeric powder and boil nicely for a few minutes. Filter and drink warm. Honey can be added as sweetener.

Nasya: Putting 2-3 drops of sesame oil in each nostril and sniffing it in will not only lubricate the nasal passage and throat but also strengthen the inner mucus membrane to keep away foreign bodies. Nasya can be done with medicated oils like Anu oil and shadabindu oil. Garling with lukewarm salty water 2-3 times a day.

Clear Bowels: According to Ayurveda evacuation of bowels every morning is a very important part of health. If you feel constipated take two tablets of Triphala or one teaspoonful of Triphala powder with lukewarm water at bedtime.

Once again, please stay calm and practice yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. I wish you all health and happiness. For any other queries, please feel free to contact Jiva ( or visit our website (

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