
Greta Thunberg 'reads off the same old climate change script'

Greta Thunberg 'reads off the same old climate change script' Sky News host Gemma Tognini says environmentalist Greta Thunberg is "reading from the same prepared script" on climate change, which is one containing "no facts (and) all emotion".

Ms Thunberg recently attended a meeting with the European Commission as it moves to adopt a continent-wide climate law.

The law would commit the EU to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.

However, the environmental activist denounced the targets and accused the European Union of “pretending” to tackle climate change.

"Surely the polish is beginning to wear off?" Ms Tognini told Sky News host Andrew Bolt

"There's nothing wrong with educated young people having a voice in debate, in fact we should be encouraging educated young people to be engaged".

However, "Greta Thunberg is reading from the same prepared script, there's no facts, it's all emotion, it's all empty words".

Ms Tognini said promoting environmental activist Greta Thunberg "at every opportunity" to discuss climate change and pollution is actually "a tremendous own goal" for the cause.

Image: Getty


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