
Infant mortality rates in Bungoma County hit alarming high

Infant mortality rates in Bungoma County hit alarming high Infant mortality rates in Bungoma County have hit an alarming high, with the county losing 21,000 infant lives for every 61, 000 new births. According to Bungoma County governor Wycliffe Wangamati, this scenario is caused by, among other reasons, the lack of postnatal essentials for use by pregnant mothers in the county.
Speaking in Kimilili on Monday, Wangamati urged pregnant women in the county not to deliver babies at home, as they increase the risk of losing their newborns. The county governor launched a new program dubbed WANGAMATI MAMA CARE, which is geared towards the provision of free after-delivery essentials, among other services.

Infant mortality rates,Bungoma County,

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