
JavaScript - In-Built String Functions Part-2

JavaScript - In-Built String Functions Part-2 For more courses, visit:

Hey guys, in this video we will learn about Inbuilt String Functions in JavaScript.

Practice Problems:
Try to answer the following questions. Post your answers in the comment section below. Also, try to explain why do you think your answer is correct. Best of Luck!!

var str1 = 'Today is';

var str2 = ' A beautiful day '

var str3 = ' In Hawaii. '

Result = 'Today is a beautiful day in Hawaii.'

1. Use the str1, str2, str3 to create the Result string. Keep the extra spaces, lowercase and uppercase letters in mind.

var mStr = 'Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su'

2. Convert this string to an array that holds different days. Also, capitalize all the characters.

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  1. Could you please help me with the solution of the given problem?
