
Trump’s Plan to ‘Help’ Black America Is a Corrupt Scam to Enrich His Family

Trump’s Plan to ‘Help’ Black America Is a Corrupt Scam to Enrich His Family Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message. Now that President Trump’s Plan A of running against Bernie Sanders is looking unlikely, he is preparing for Plan B: campaigning against Joe Biden. Trump has plenty of avenues of attack, ranging from legitimate (questioning Biden’s sharpness) to illegitimate (presenting his anti-corruption work in Ukraine as the opposite of that.) Interestingly, and most shamelessly, his initial focus is on undercutting Biden’s appeal to black voters. The Trump line was on display in an “interview” with Sean Hannity, in which the president delivered his message seamlessly enough to retweet the clip: Trump begins by tying his likely opponent to the 1994 crime bill: It is typical of Trump that he stacks one mind-boggling lie atop another. The man who built a career as a racist crime-fearmonger, calling for the execution of innocent teens in New York, who built his nominating speech around promises to unleash law enforcement in response to a phantasmal urban crime wave, who has urged police to abuse criminal suspects, and who continues to call for stopping the drug trade through draconian sentencing — is somehow now running as a criminal-justice reformer. That Big Lie is simply the backdrop, into which Trump adds the even more bizarre fabrication that the 1994 Crime Bill was in fact masterminded by then-community organizer Barack Obama. (“Somebody said he was talking about it.”) Having rearranged his criminal justice stance from bloodthirsty advocate of a militarized race war to kindly liberal, Trump then pivoted to the second pillar of his appeal to black voters: “Opportunity Zones,” presenting this as his successful plan to boost employment for African-Americans. Opportunity Zones are in fact a corrupt scam to enrich Trump’s cronies. The provision, added to his 2018 tax cut, sounds appealing on the surface. It gives a capital gains tax cut to developers who build new projects in poor urban areas. The problem is that, even conceptually, the incentive is not going to drive investment in the poorest areas. Developers will look for the least-poor blocks that qualify for the tax cut and build there. In practice, the designation of which areas get the tax credit has been hopelessly (and predictably) abused, so that well-connected builders can go into already-gentrifying neighborhoods and get lucrative tax breaks for projects they wanted to build anyway, including Jaguar dealerships, pet spas, and other luxury playgrounds for the rich. This program is, or should be, a massive scandal. The New York Times has detailed extensively how it is working across the country, and virtually every example consists of dumping windfall benefits that primarily or exclusively help rich people. The most

Tags:politics,the national interest,donald trump,joe biden,jared kushner,2020 elections,opportunity zones,More,trump today news,fox news,breaking news today,usa today news,

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