
U.S. may cut off travel to COVID-19 'hotspots': Trump

U.S. may cut off travel to COVID-19 'hotspots': Trump 트럼프 "이탈리아•한국•일본 면밀주시 중"... 미국행 여행자 이륙 전•도착 후 발열검사 시행

The U.S. may cut off travel to countries most affected by COVID-19.
To prevent further spread of the virus, those heading to the states from South Korea are to go through stricter health checks before take-off and after landing.
Oh Jung-hee tells us more.
The U.S. is not considering cutting off domestic travel due to the coronavirus outbreak, but may do so for COVID-19 "hotspots."
"We're watching Italy very closely, South Korea very closely, even Japan very closely. And we'll make the right determination at the right time. We've cut it off, as you know, with numerous other countries. They are the hotspots right now."
The U.S. raised its travel advisory on South Korea's city of Daegu to the highest level of 4 "Do Not Travel."
The rest of South Korea remains at level 3 "Reconsider Travel."
The U.S. is not banning travelers coming from South Korea.
But to make sure the virus doesn't spread further, stricter health checks are in place.
All passengers heading to the U.S. from South Korea are to go through temperature checks.
Those whose body temperature is above 37-point-5 degrees Celsius are not allowed to board.
Passengers, as they arrive in the U.S., go through another round of screening.
Speaking with South Korea's 1st Vice Foreign Minister on Wednesday, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris said:
"Well, I think it's indicative of the fact that Korea's leading in global fight. We're very impressed with all that Korea's doing. Comprehensive measures, the tests, and take steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19."
94 countries around the world are restricting the entry of travelers from South Korea.
38 are denying entry... 5 of which are placing restrictions on those who have visited Daegu and the surrounding Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
22 countries are isolating travelers from South Korea for up to 14 days on arrival... and 34 have strengthened health checks or suspended the validity of visas.
South Korea's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa is speaking with her counterparts from other countries over the phone... to explain Seoul's efforts in containing the virus and to persuade them not to take measures that could curb future exchanges.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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