Money (Democracy Dollars) is the only thing that will allow us to buy back our own politicians. Think about that. If it feels like we can't achieve any change in our country, don't worry, you're not crazy. The truth is that we don't have the power (and by power I mean the MONEY) to persuade the politicians that we elected.
Our voices, our struggles, and our labor mean diddly if we can't afford to cut a $90K check to our elected officials. But who can? Corporations. Big Pharma. Banksters. However, there is only one candidate with a clear and simple proposal that will effectively washout the lobbyist money. That candidate is Andrew Yang.
Yang's Democracy dollars, a tried and proven method, will upend the political establishment like no other proposal currently put out by any other candidate.
Andrew Yang is not a one-issue candidate, though. He has several policies on his website that go against the grain. Visit Yang2020.com, and donate to the Yang campaign if you think it's time to take back control of our own government.
#AndrewYang #YangGang #Yang2020