
Commit London 2019: Eliminating DevOps Data Silos

Commit London 2019: Eliminating DevOps Data Silos From Thomas West of Converging Data:

Producing a single view of your DevOps process can be difficult and time consuming if you are using tools in varying echo systems. Which is why we created the GitLab app for Splunk. Using the data management and reporting capabilities of a data tool like Splunk, we were able to pull in data from different echo systems and produce that single picture. Accelerating delivery and making your delivery pipelines easier to manage. Best of all... It's free! Especially useful if you are locked into a particular toolset for part of your pipeline

Speaker: Thomas West, Solutions Architect @ Converging Data
Slide deck:

Product,git,server,version control system,CI,Continuous integration,pipelines,git repository,Conversational Development,collaborate,integrate,integration,software development,tutorial,open source,on-premises git solutions,developers,programmers,code,VCS,

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