
Precise Astronomical Instruments at Chaco Cyn & Beyond -Cosmography101-20.2 w|Randall Carlson May'08

Precise Astronomical Instruments at Chaco Cyn & Beyond -Cosmography101-20.2 w|Randall Carlson May'08 Cosmography 101 Class 20 segment 2/3 with Randall Carlson, from May 2008. Chacoan's had sophisticated knowledge of subtle astronomical and lunar cycles. Check the playlist for Cosmography101 classes listed in sequential order. Support this work through Patreon (link in lower corner channel header). Excerpt from this video previously released...
Summary notes/topics:
Excerpts from “Guidebook for Chaco Culture National Historical Park” overview
Trade of corn with Mexico, and links to what else – philosophy, science, art, symbolism?
Chaco people’s sophisticated knowledge of subtle astronomical and lunar cycles
“Key element of who these people were that’s not even apparent [in the textbooks].”
Casa Rinconada’s alignments – niches and windows that create precise tracking
Massive timber roof supports – many thousands needed, cut and hauled from long distances
What is the motive to make the extreme effort?
Orthodox view does not convey any of that aspect of this culture
Stonehenge Alignment on same day –
Presumably culturally isolated group doing the exact same thing thousands of miles away
Summer solstice – sunrise on the longest day of the year
Monitoring movement of sun across horizon, swinging back and forth
Sun and moon motions used to accurately predict eclipses
Aubrey holes at Stonehenge speculated by Hawkins and Hoyle could be moved
Alignments at Fort Ancient, OH; Serpent Mound, OH; Etowah Mounds, GA
BREAK 13:42
From where does the motivation come to build these monuments?
Audience suggests off-planet? Scientists (or researchers) do everything to tear down their own hypothesis before presenting to the world-at-large
Don’t think any scientists support the capability for cross-continent contact
Plants and Shaman to expand vision thru revelatory experience
Knowledge of astronomy goes along with ability to navigate, allowing circumnavigation of the globe
Must have been long period of peace to allow this? Circular constructions not for defense
Artifacts shared/traded across long distances – shells, turquoise, copper
How was the knowledge shared? Who was responsible for the common system?
From where came the impetus to organize this system?
Science is replicable
BREAK at 24:21
Recoverable genetic imprints of the knowledge
Astronomical Markings on Fajada Butte in Chaco Canyon
Rise of the whole Gothic phenomena: Templars, troubadours, Cathars
Constructions in Asia and Yucatan coincided
Sophisticated engineering/surveying skills – jive with conventional view as subsistence farmers?
Quotes/questions from “Prehistoric Astronomy of the Southwest”
Organized Anasazi/Chacoan Culture and Roadways
Chetro Ketl ruin at Chaco Canyon
Quotes from “People of Chaco: A Canyon and its Culture” re: straight roadways
“Extraordinary feature is their striking linearity and ‘dog-leg’ turns”
Pierre’s Ruin and “Acropolis”
Badlands pinnacles as signal towers
El Faro – “the Lighthouse”

Randall Carlson,Graham Hancock,America Before,Chaco Canyon,Archeoastronomy,Kivas,Anasazi,Hopi prophecy,Chuska,Mystery at Chaco,astronomy,archaeology,geology,cosmography,Hopewell,lunar alignments,eclipses,chimney rock,lunar cycles,antediluvian,Navajo lands,sun dagger,Atlantis,Ley-lines,Geomancy,Alfred Watkins,Shaman,Medicine wheels,Shiprock,Upheaval Dome,Michell,summer solstice,

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