
Big QUADS session, Build them fast using these (Leg Workout).

Big QUADS session, Build them fast using these (Leg Workout). * This session will simply be performed on this scheme: every exercises performed on at least 4-6 sets, and always on the rep range between 8-12 for the heavy exercisers, and between 10-20 for the lighter ones. The resting time shall not be exceeding 45s, to 2 mins.

The exercises performed will be:

- Barbell squads, for the overall quads, and for enhencing your strenght,
- Legs press, for the overall quads, and building the muscle strenght, and ripping all the muscles constructing the quads separetely.
- Legs extension, this is a great exercise that could be useful a lot when it comes to isolating the quads, and this is actually great to focus more on the muscle contraction.
- Seatted leg curls: great isolation mouvement for the Harmstrings, helpful to point more emphazis on the harmstrings, and building these last one more effectively, thus separetely too.
-Walking lunge: these exercises are more than of a great use when it comes to building a good looking, and big quadriceps. Maintaining a good stance while performing this exercise will definitely be of a high importance to higher the effect of this on the quads.
-The Romanian Deadlift: This exercise, mostly important for the harmstrings, is very helpful when it comes to using these muscles. However, this could easily be performed as well using the barbell, loaded on your convenience,and with the same benefits as with the dumbbells. The most important thing here is to avoid the stress on the lower back, but also to make sure to eliminate the whole triceps, biceps during the exercise.
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