
How to Manage Stress and Balance Multiple Responsibilities

How to Manage Stress and Balance Multiple Responsibilities Sooooo, I HAVE BEEN THE MOST STRESSED I'VE BEEN IN ALL MY LIFE Y'ALL.
For years, my life only consisted of school & track. Now, I'm preparing to make a huge shift. I'm a senior and graduation will be here before I know it.

I think managing multiple things at once can get super stressful and you can almost go insane. I still am trying to figure out the perfect balance, but I'm really just trying to take it day by day. I don't have all the answers, and juggling this many tasks is new to me... but I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

My big takeaways for you all who may be stressed and managing a lot:
1. Set Your Priorities
2. Make A Goal List
3. Try To Be As Organized As Possible
4. Set Reminders
4. Make Time for You
5. Know It's Ok To Say No
6. Know It's Ok To Fail (Sometimes it takes 15 no's to get that one YES)
7. Sleep & Eat

We're all just out here trying to find our way in life, I knoooow. We got it though!

Instagram: @micaiahransby
Twitter: @caisofly
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