
I almost got scammed!! Don’t agree to these types of things!

I almost got scammed!! Don’t agree to these types of things! She left the server...I only had half the amount she was asking for I wasn’t going to buy it anyways...I wanted to trade my princess carriage...yeah...close call there! Don’t agree to buy things from someone unless you know they won’t scam!!! If you know them personally then, sure trust them but be aware of people who try to scam! They may friend you and say “I won’t scam! Friend me! I won’t I promise! I cross my heart!” Something along those lines! If they tell you to give them something for Robux, it’s a scam!! You can’t transfer Robux! And if they ever said “My dad owns ROBLOX and he will give you all the Robux you ask for if you give me your *Insert item*!” My answer; “Why doesn’t you dad ask the *insert game creator and game* to give you one and he can pay them?” My kid replies...I can’t make good comebacks but hey! I spent a whole 30 mins writing this! And your probably just not even reading it but okay! 👌 made you look!! Bye syrup flavors!!


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